Your Smart TV just got smarter… enjoy relaxing Smooth Jazz with incredible visual content from all over the world. Match Machu Picchu with music from Brian Culbertson, visit New Mexico with a tune from Alexander Zonjic, explore Australian beaches with a soundtrack from Euge Groove… and so much more! You’ve entered the stress-free zone with Television you’ll “never want to turn off". The eScapes Network is available for all of your Mobile Devices and Smart TVs on the XUMO app, Channel Plus and Comcast Xfinity Flex in Lifestyles, channel 452. Smooth Jazz with 100% original visual content… the eScapes Network, find more at eScapesTV.com! Commercial Directed, Written & Voiced by Sandy Shore; Produced by Dave DeAndrea for SmoothJazz.com Global, 2019. https://ift.tt/2t8RTt7
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