It’s the ultimate weekend in paradise… Friday, June 28th thru Sunday, June 30th at the Embarcadero Marina Park North, the San Diego Smooth Jazz Festival, hosted by sax sensation, Eric Darius! Don’t miss performances by BONEY JAMES, WEST COAST JAM feat PETER WHITE, RICHARD ELLIOT & DW3, KIRK WHALUM & JONATHAN BUTLER, BRIAN SIMPSON, JAZMIN GHENT, TONY EXUM JR, NORMAN BROWN, SAX TO THE MAX feat MICHAEL LINGTON, PAUL TAYLOR & VINCENT INGALA, MONTY SEWARD and MARIEA ANTOINETTE. America’s Finest City with the ultimate weekend of world class music, the San Diego Smooth Jazz Festival, presented by Rainbow Promotions and Payne Pest Management… For tickets, visit sandiegosmoothjazzfestival.com! Commercial Written & Voiced by Sandy Shore; Produced by Dave DeAndrea for SmoothJazz.com Global, 2019. http://bit.ly/311gFb5
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