Hi, this is Nathan East inviting you to join me as I host Sandy Shore’s Jazz Weekender, Valentine’s Day Weekend, February 14th through the 17th, 2019 at the beautiful Quail Lodge & Golf Club in Carmel, California! I’ll have my Band of Brothers with me… Greg Phillingaines, Steve Ferrone and Michael Thompson and we’ll be curating sets of music in an intimate, hi fidelity room overlooking Monterey’s wine country with special guests Boney James, Boz Scaggs, Maysa, Rick Braun, Vincent Ingala, Paul Brown and many more, plus nightly after parties featuring Peet Project from Budapest, a Jazz & Wine Line Luxury bus tour of Carmel tasting rooms and a Sunnyside Upright Jazz Brunch with my trio including my son Noah East. Four days in God’s country… I hope you’ll join us for the inaugural Jazz Weekender and we’ll Meet in Monterey! See you soon! DD : Sandy Shore’s Jazz Weekender, event partners include Blue Microphones, District 7 Wines, Alvarado Street Brewery and Carmel Magazine. Book your Room & Experience package now at jazzweekender.com! Commercial Written by Sandy Shore; Voiced by Dave DeAndrea & Nathan East; Produced by Dave DeAndrea for SmoothJazz.com Global, 2018. https://ift.tt/2EU78vG